"Project Space Survival Strategies" an ongoing survey and informal research project of the survival strategies of project spaces working within the field of contemporary art by artist Elysa Lozano for Autonomous Organization
Published on www.invisiblevenue.com, from May 2010
Click here to view Project Space Survival Strategies.
Project Space Survival Strategies (PSSS) brings together anecdotal stories from project spaces internationally, covering a range of aims, organizations, and funding alternatives. PSSS highlights the organizational ingenuity of contemporary project spaces and through this transparency promotes the development of new models. As the experimental nature of a project space often provides a formative platform for contemporary artists early in their careers, Project Space Survival Strategies also recognizes the critical creative support afforded by start-up organizations working on shoe-string budgets.
More than 40 project spaces from around the world are included in this first iteration of the survey, from locations as far afield as Basel, Berlin, Budapest, Chicago, Copenhagen, Jerusalem, Holon, London, New York, Oakland, San Francisco, Shaghai and Vienna.
Initially published in May 2010, surveys are collected and added to Project Space Survival Strategies on an ongoing, rolling basis--the organizer/s of any project space, anywhere, is/are encouraged to include information about their space in this survey. Click here for details.
Elysa Lozano is the director of Autonomous Organization. Autonomous Organization is an art practice emulating a Not-for-profit, whose projects are subject to the oversight of a Board of Directors. It is a device for fragmenting the authoritarian vision of the artist through collective processes and negotiation, and investigating what it means to work in the public interest. Autonomous Organization provides services, products and research to visual art exhibition venues to support them in becoming models for increased autonomy through the negotiation of social and legal contracts. Elysa Lozano possesses an MFA from Goldsmiths College, University of London--her recent project, "The Skydive Office of Cultural Affairs Presents: An Exhibition of Proposals for a Socialist Colony," was presented by Skydive and Project Row Houses (Houston, Texas) and featured on Artforum.com. She lives and works in Oakland, California.